The only thing that i feel is ruining my PvP experience is knock down, the problem is it's completely random, so whoever gets to knock down the other by simply out of pure luck wins the fight (and please i'm not talking about the whole game), completely neglecting skill level of each one of the players which imo anti-fun, knock down in it's current state is like a crit that doesn 100% of ur HP, since ppl can completely chatter u during the duration u're on ur knees on the ground and by no other mean than luck.

This comes really frustrating when fighting against more than 1 player, if ur fighting against say 2-3 players it's almost a MUST to get knocked down leaving u completely helpless to die, say if i have the skill to take on 2-3 players by myself (and i'm talking generally not about myself) why should i be denied that?

EDIT: sorry for the grammar mistake in the title, and please forgive any other mistakes