Well the question is simple lol, how do I pwn those Cowardice Kiters !!!?
Im at my wits end with these guys lol. Engineers, are usually...Fairly easy,but I'm finding more trouble with experienced kiters.
I mean as much as I try to use the pillars to my advantage....some ops just don't budge....
I've met a couple who will just stand in the middle of all pillars and not come out....
I mean even when I make a dash to stomp them right away, I fail....I tried juking em, the works lol....
I tried keeping my back to a wall....which only works if they're dumb enough to waste their lurch....instead of just unloading on me...But I heard about using Gravity well to cancel the effect ?so idk, any ideas or tricksu care to share with me with me would be nice. I mean as a commando....we spacetime kinda weakened us by taking away some of our spells ability to work in pvp -.-...which is completely unfair when the other classes, haveall their abilities working....