Luck is being removed because it is causing more harm than good. Since they were brough in, they were nerfed in percentage and even the amount of tines they roll were nerfed. However, even with those tweaks they still have a lot of pinks dropping. Which flood the AH and therefore screwing up the economy. Thats why I came up with the taxes idea since we are in dire need of gold sinks. It is extremely easy to gain gold in game, especially since the energy system was remived from the 3D maps.

The plat being offered to remove the tax for a certain time is pretty much already explained... Can only be used for a certain time and therefore won't defeat its purpose. If people want to spend hella -real- money on plat (or download hella apps via Tapjoy or W3i) to remove taxes for as much time as they want then thats up to them. Either way, its a choice and still serves as a much needed gold sink.