i think it will be fun to share your worse pocket legend experience since you started playing the game.

please be specific, it could be a loot uve been hoping to get for weeks and seeing it drop to another player, or a PVP loss, or a scam, anything!!!!

i will start, cuz mine happened yesterday.

i have no problem spending plat, cuz i do like this game, think it kills time, and the satisfaction of killing monsters and lvling and getting loot is just awesome.

i also think that STS do listen to their players, as we are the ones that strives the game.

so to be specific, as i was doing the diamond quest on my 3rd alt, with almost 60+ bash runs, countless different players. i was in one of the few rounds with ONLY one other player, it was just the 2 of us for a few rounds of bash. so for around 5 runs of bash, 6 pink items had dropped, and again, it was ONLY the 2 of us in each one of those 5 runs. and all 6 pinks went to him. LUCK? meant to be? dont deserve it? you be the judge.

after 75 rounds of bash, 150 furballs, 441 of plat, all i got was 3 diamonds(from quest) and 1 double tiki shanks of tiki. (which in game countless of OBD dropped, recipes, legendary items dropped, just to other players.)

havent looted one single diamond since the update with countless of sanbar, south pointe, bash runs.

not getting pinks was bad enough, but at least the furballs quest was still motivating me to finish each runs.

but it reached rock bottom for me when i see 5 pinks goes to the ONLY one other player in game for 6 consecutive runs.

i am pretty sure a lot of you have experienced the same thing as of what ive mentioned, but i just wanted to share with everyone else. it was a bad day for me, to be clear, the worse since i started playing this game.

now if everyone else like to share their bad experience, id love to hear them!!