Quote Originally Posted by Takezaki:732943
I'm not trolling, it is my right to disagree, and express such disagreement.

People need to play the damn game, and stop complaining about such little details.

And funny enough about the ''casual'' part, most players I see complaining are the hardcore ones farming for hours on end with several hundred thousand kills.

How is it not insightful to say that I believe things are fine and don't need to be changed or tweaked.
Disagreement with changes and insulting members are two different issues. So as I understand your post is, you would like the mask how it is. So ok, that's all your post needed to say IMO. and there is only one person that is disagreing here and complaining about the details. So I still don't understand why so much hostility? Did these hardcore players wronged or insulted you? And for the record we can voice our opinion, but so far noone is really agreeing with you.