So me and Subs are farming Vlod due to recent rumors abot Vlod's drops.
This is NORMAL FREE Vampire Feast.
So I'm on 2X and Subs is on 4X and we are killing Vlod.
He kills Subs on 1 Hit.
Subs is on 4X.
But then Subs is a bird, so maybe he derp'd somehow.
Vlod then kills me in 1 Hit.
Ok, I'm a 2X though.
So I put on a Thrash, (3X Armor)

And Vlod does a 552 NORMAL on me.
I have 220+ times 3 Armor. That 660+ Armor.
552 + 660 is over 1K damage.

And then Arsenal shows up and pretty much kills Vlod without dying.
Hax much?

Anyways, point is, Arsenal KITED, but within range of 12M, like 8M distance.

I'll say two things.
1. Vlod does 500 Damage to me when I'm unelixired.
Theory 1 is that Vlod has some sort of special boss ability that totally negates elixir armor effects.

2. Vlod in NORMAL FREE Vampire Feast is glitched.
Simply because people only farmed 1st/2nd floors and Epic Feast during L66 Cap.
And also simply because not enough people farmed Vlod, leading to an undiscovered glitch?

Again, this is a melee output damage of over 1K.
Highest I've ever seen is from Guru H2O and he hits only 700 (if you have no armor on).