Not necessarily "ideas" but some things I think would be good.

A lot of my suggestions would require almost an entire game overhaul... x.x

Keep in mind these are my opinions and I'm just throwing them out there. You can love em or hate em. And DL developers can add it to their R&D.

Classes - If in the future we all have the same skills to choose from, I think that in the long run, there isn't much room for variety and strategy between each player. Right now all we have are vanities to personalize ourselves interestingly. And PVP may also slowly go into a gray space where sooner or later, there will be ONE build that everyone will discover, using the same skills, and same point distribution. It would only come down to ping and reaction speed. I propose a few classes...

Druidic - We have a skill that summons rats that inflict an agonizing gnawing on our foes. Summoning minions is definitely possible. A temporary ally, ( like in those jet fighter games where you can have a special helper). A druidic character will use the powers of nature and the beyond.

Hell Bats - One might have a skill to summon hell bats that spit fire at foes within the caster's radius. Higher levels summon more hell bats and higher DPS.

Earth Root - Games like Dota have shown us that you can name a skill something else, but it still stuns, roots or disorients targets. A simple multi target rooting skill.

Armor of Nature - Temporarily increase defense.

Morphing - Ability to morph into a werewolf, centurion, etc.

I'll try not to get too far into Diablo/WoW things...

Cleric - this class wouldn't really have missile skills. Instead he or she would have a bunch of self buff and healing skills. A cleric would specialize in normal attacks being stronger from buffs, and armor increase to members of their team. If we ever go into party/team-concentration... I'd definitely play this class. A cleric with a bow weapon would be prettt beast... In my imagination.

I can't think of any distinct classes at the moment.

But you may ask, "some of these ideas sound good, but we're kinda far into character development already. How would this be added?" Well, I was thinking at about level 32, players can choose a class mastery. After then, their skill tree limits to such powers as mentioned before. A respec after all skills are unlocked would make some dangerous players.

Some classes may be stronger than others. But MMORPGs and MMOFPSs nerf certain aspects all the time.

Weapon Mastery - We have weapon categories... Swords, daggers, axes, maces, etc. What if we could get stronger as we keep using them? Imagine how interesting and yet dangerous someone with a high mastery in a weapon category could be. One may have simply made his character have the best items. But his opponent has an insanely high sword mastery. He may deal more damage per cut and put up a surprising fight conclusion.

Life-steal weapons - I guess we can do without this since there are blood packs and a rage meter for a full life steal. But some skills are very taxing on how much blood it needs. A life steal might come in handy.

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