As an ocasional rusher myself i can give some advice....

Do not gang up.. We will remember who you are and hunt you down when there is no one to help.

Do not help someone who is being rushed, some ( myself ) do not attack for no reason and you attacking us will be a reason to rush you to.

Once you are dead do not revive and try to attack us, it will just make us angry and you will be a target.

The best thing to do is to ask us why we are rushing you, and try to sort it out.. Do not swear and insult as that will earn you more deaths.

Do not boot without a good reason or warning if we transgres in your arena. Once is fine but continue and chances are you'll get rushed.

If you poke players without asking or knowing them we probably going to poke you back with auto aim and a few combos.

I am not posting this to threaten or intimidate anyone but writing this from a "rushers" point of view in hopes that it will bring some understanding...

Ps: There are some players who are just bullies picking on the weak and its best to just avoid them..