Quote Originally Posted by Mothwing:773098
Quote Originally Posted by Mitchturbo View Post
Wow Nice story! Sorry to hear you leaving though :-(
Keep On Rocking Moth!! Good Luck playing RL lolololol *Big man Hug*
I'll miss you bro I had fun talking about sigs with you keep on wearing that yellow jetpack and awesome hood that you won't sell to me. <3

Quote Originally Posted by saool View Post
aw there goes my favorite moth...
I'll miss you buddy. Please do try, and stop by to say hi to us. And thanks for saying it was I who made you want to PvP lol. We've got plenty of room to learn it has always been fun. I'll miss you greatly. Sigh...you can haz cheez burger nao... But only if you stop by sober than later. Much love my friend. <3
Miss you too I WILL say hola some time. I'm not gone forever. I'll come back next summer most likely. And on my breaks We can hang out then Thanks for inspiring me.

Quote Originally Posted by Lowlyspy View Post
You go school, do work, come back, make happy me ^_^
Will do my friend. Thanks for talking to me that one time, which you most likely don't remember, but it helped
I'm in mobile so yeah sorry for the full quote lol
But if ever I had fun during PvP it was with you. Always being there when I was getting teamed (I am into rushing. Just not into teaming, if it takes three to kill you they must...) Anyways, I'll try and stay here that long. I myself am losing interest in this game. But I hope to see you soon bro! Long live Le Moth!