Quote Originally Posted by Zaonabiuibil View Post
I was running, they were right behind me. I turn the corner and plummet to the ground, for there was no floor. I continue running, knowing if I stop they'll get me. I turn another corner, a little more cautious, and stand there. I hear a *woosh!* and look below to find my captors lying in the same spot I plummeted, but, how? I didn't run up any stairs, and that fall had to be 2 stories, I could not possibly have gone back up. That defies all possible physics. The terror of the moment has passed, but an even greater question arises. Where am I?
Quote Originally Posted by Theholyangel View Post
Recently, ive been laying, in the darkness of the abyss i am trapped in, hunted by the reaper of my existence, due to specific reasons in the past... Thinking, of all the trouble, the beast of this world have put me through. As i lay, i hear the sounds of the infernal beings chasing me. My first thought is, run. I get up, fleeing for me life, run past a few hellhounds, dodge a few straglers. Then finally, make it to the sole portal out of here, that I need to get to, to escape. As i run to it i get cut by one of the beasts, cut once more, then mysteriously the king of my fears appears. The reaper of my existence, created for the soul reason of this torture, the sole person that can make me weak. When he confronts me all he does is look into my eyes, smiling grimicingly and says "well here we are again my old friend, its time for your torture to begin once more". Suddenly being stabbed, with blood dripping down my body, feeling the cold cruel pain of death as I lay there, I wake up, in this abyss, once more. To have to face death, experiencing it, once more, trying to escape. From the never ending "game" i am trapped and hunted in. Forever. Thinking to myself "I shall not give, and i will not". As the replay, with a new death, begins once more with the horrid sounds, of the deaths of me.

-Angel, reporting after 22 years, the sole surviver.

Hope its enjoyed, muaha ;-)

IGN: theholyangel
It's not like he took the idea of repetition from someone or anything....