Quote Originally Posted by flashbackflip View Post
I feel ya bro!

For such cases our friends and respected community members such as Morfic and BodMaster made stand alone fan forum..

Read my sig and use link from it to report that evil dude) also - provide the link to this thread if u want

Dark side will fail. The Force is strong with us
You know what's my opinion? Why do he scam people? Because STS didn't knew that! The proof is that he can freely saying he'll spamming people and he never, EVER got banned! Other proof is that some people selling their guild and STS never give'em a warning. What do you expected? Try to think like this...
"STS made the rules, but they never give me a warning. So... do I actually can break the rules? OF COURSE I CAN!!!"
The one guilty is... both the scammer (because he didn't follow the ToS) and the STS itself! (because they never banned scammers!)

THEY'RE BOTH GUILTY!!! I don't care if I got banned because I'm saying this! Because that's the truth! I'll never, ever got shaken if I do the right thing!

Scammers... you should know that what you're doing are wrong. You take things other people have search hardly... didn't you feel guilty?

Spacetime Studios... you're the one who made the rules. Didn't you feel angry? I mean, you've take a long time to write ToS, and there are still someone who break it! Also, do you guys forgetting us and busy makikng Arcane Legends? If you're, I suggest you to make a 2 groups of people who make the game and seeing other Legends.

There are no a guilty one... because there are 2 PEOPLE WHO ARE GUILTY!!!!