Hey everyone. I feel like my time has come for this game, my senior year has come around and a month into school and I have to do my best. I've had much fun with this game, and I feel like I'm done with it.
I found this game one day about 2 years ago. I downloaded it out of curiosity. I leveled a bear to 13 then lost interest after finding out about the need for platinum after lvl 18.
Well, a few months later I forgot my email and pass and restarted. Thus came WarTornBird. I made very VERY many friends. My most beloved friend, Lyrrlynn who I was in my first guild with around level 35 became my first friend. We stayed around the same level untill she juiced to reach the Nuri cap.

After my first guild disbanded, I left and ran into BeakOfJustice. He was the one who got me into ARG. This is by far my most favorite guild. I ran into many of my good friends today. Saool, Siejo, Hankomachos, Mothwing, Paar, and SuentousPo.
Well we had a little spout and me and hank ended up leaving and made our own guild. I became real close to Hank, Him becoming one of my best friends.

Another very very very good friend of mine, Odin, I became close with. Many times we'd sit around for hours talking. Many times we'd argue like brothers. I've had so much fun with him. I watched him remake Odin like 9 times before he could get it right. I helped him every one of them.

Me and Sue became very close actually not to long ago. Everyday on his bus rides we'd go farm and 9 times out of 10 I'd get a pink and he'd dog me out.

Elyseon...man what to say, very special friend who's been loyal to me more than any other. Countless nights rushin nubs, getting rushed by people 5 levels higher, he introduced me to fun in pvp.

Needless to say, I've had so much fun with this game. But my life is telling me its time to stop. I want to thank everyone who has helped me. I'll be on about 3 o'clock eastern time to give away some stuff.
STS you've done a wonderful job and made another kid very happy. Again, thank you everyone who has put the effort into knowing me and thank you Lyrrlynn for being the best friend a guy could ever have.

WarTornBird...Rolling out.