So before we start, I assume there'll be three different opinions toward this thread. The people with the set shouldn't care, people like me who only got one piece will most likely agree, and the people with none probably disagree.
The current vanity set gives a bonus of +1 Crit, +5 Dodge, +55 Health, +15 Armor. However, I was thinking, instead of it being a set bonus, have each elite piece give stats, which add up to the current bonus when all 3 are equipped. This way, the people, like me, who only got one piece, and especially people who got MFA in the hope that it would make a set with the new elite vanities, still get a boost in stats for their hard work.
Let me know what you think. Agree or disagree? Suggestions? Feedback? Just let me know. The only thing I ask is that nobody flames/trolls. Debate is fine, arguments are not, keep it civil.