Amazing idea, you can either read the post or skip to the bottom.

So today I read another tragic tale about a person losing a guild to another immature kid who wants to leave the guild. Officers, a really great idea, shows leadership, trust, authority, demands respect, and can show seniority and knowledge. Recruiters: Usually just recruit friends and people who want to join. See the difference, the officer position is really prestigious over the recruiter even though you only get the ability to boot and use officer chat. Yet the power to boot one must learn to use with GREAT reluctance, and only in intolerable situations.

So I'm no going to bore you any longer!
What if... Officers had a 5 person boot limit per day, this gives the master ample time to save the guild while officers still have the ability to boot people who are being immature. Also when somebody gets booted they are kicked from the guild for 24h so they can't rejoin until the officers boots are used up.

Tell me what you think