I broke into my middleschool's network (I was in 8th grade) with some retro skid tools and got root access to all of the printers and printed out fliers denouncing the school, pictures of George Bush with 'SATAN,' written under it (I lived in the conservative south at the time, where it is universally accepted that insulting conservatives is a crime LOL) , pictures in the Dean's office saying "Screw you, Dean <name>", pictures in the deans office with text under them calling her tubby, etc. Got caught and suspended because of other people ratting me out but they could never conclusively link any action to me and prove it was me and fine me/take legal action. They had to pull some stupid fine print that says they can suspend for any reason at all.

Fast forwarding back to highschool, I had the entire computer lab on a botnet but they never caught me. The only thing I got in trouble for that year oddly enough was opening Firefox instead of Internet Explorer. The school had it installed but I got banned from computers for 'suspicious activity,' for the rest of my time in high school.

What about you?