Quote Originally Posted by MuffinMuch View Post
Sell all inventory will never workout because people will complain saying they clicked it and lost blah blah lb lah. Pl selling isnt difficult but and ignore drop option could be useful for players helping friwnss but dont want junk clutter.

I dont see rings and necklaces both being raidable because they gota have some plat flow via wearable no vNity like clothes with no stats. If they both are raidable they will always have beyytter shop jewerly.
I see and agree with your point but must slightly disagree with how selling all inventory manually is easy. I play on my iPad 3 and the constant tap tap.... 2 taps to sell one item is ridiculous. Now another option is they could introduce one tap selling so that people is they hit something by accident can buy it back.

I would love to see jewelry raidable something to use until I get into a game enough to shoot some plat, also with raidable jewelry it will make the plat jewelry look so much more worthwhile. These are just things I'd like to see.