Quote Originally Posted by Iron Hand View Post
Although I appluad your efforts I feel it should be kept to a friendly pm to the offender, after all they may not be aware of the search options or correct subject placement. When using the phone app version of forum there is no search option for subject matter. IMO it is better to pm than to call out the person posting in a public manner. If this is met with resistence or refusal to adhere to forum standards then simply make use of the report button under the thread and if you feel nessecary send a pm to a moderator. This avoids hard feelings between posters and flaming as well.

Just sending some well meaning advice to help and how i handle the forum violation misdemeaners. It is up to you all how you wish to handle it, i just feel giving the poster the benifit of doubt of being unaware should be considered first.
I feel like I am being singled out when reading this post