VOLCANUT !!!!!!$$$$?!!!%**%#. Re-launch Re-release!
(warning:: some forum members maybe annoyed or roll their eyes at seeing this! Sorry about that but I don't give up on something I want!)

I saw this player in game today & I was impressed to say the least & envious! You guys already know this. Just look at that below! O-M-G!

Just another reminder, I know you must get bombarded with suggestions & requests...don't know if you even read all the threads here but I'll give it another try. I want to buy it at whatever fair cost you want to charge for it. I might even buy it at an unfair price at this point. XD. I thought I could live without it but I would be so happy with it. I know there's a market for it to as many have asked for it...might not be a best seller vanity but there's players dying for it like me.

I saw that you released a couple new O.C.D. Helms for 500 platinum each. I think theyre pretty high end & not everybody's buying them but I will purchase the Volcanut (Mantle of Humania) for 500 platinum as soon as I see it listed! Won't hesitate for a second just so you know devs....I will up the stakes to 800 platinum if you want! Lolz
How about a thousand platinum?

I don't think it would be hard to get this item back in the game since its already in the game when Humania was first released. To be honest maybe I wouldn't be wearing it 24/7 but since I don't have it in my possession & have regretted missing it by one day, it's been bugging me. Thanx for your time.