If you check my old blog here, you see that not too long ago I re-started my main with the intention of doing all the zones again with the game set on "Difficult". That means no elixirs, no help from higher levels, and a preference for max kills and minimum deaths.

There is even a picture in that blog of this toon saying "just say no to elixirs".

Well, I ended up stowing that toon away when Humania came out because it was only level 32 (with over 7500 kills) and Humania would have been a long way away. So I did the two renames over again, renaming my new pure dex bird "Snakesbird" and my main bird back to Snakespeare. And like any pragmatist, I leveled the old toon with any elixir I could find! LOL!

Then came blessings, and it became clear after the first 5-day period that I should also get blessing for all my mules and PvE twinks. But everytime I would get an elixir on Snakesbird, it felt wrong. I realized I could not play the toon with an elixir. Let me explain. The reason it has over 7500 kills at level 32 is because I have been trying to stay in white or yellow threat zones, preferably blue, but never green (no xp) or red (double). If the xp comes too fast, the number of kills per level goes down.

So this morning when Snakesbird got a 3x combo blessing, I went to the elixir buffs screen and looked at his shame! Not only was there a 3x combo, but there was also a free 1 hour Classy Looter. And I noticed there were big x's in the upper right corner next to each elixir like the ones on the friends screen. So I tapped an X and it asked "Remove buff?" So I said yes. And I removed the classy looter, too. Then I felt so much better I went off to the Swamps and played.

I'm so glad I found out how to delete blessings. Now I can reactivate this toon but still use it to try for a chance at the 30 plat prizes. Because, of course, my other toons don't minds elixirs at all, not even the mules.