A group that works is a beautiful thing. But yeah, along the lines of the Mynas Gen threads and the funny noob stories, this is the same thing: There are just a lot of people who do not know how to play and cannot be bothered to learn. And sorry to say this, but every (online) game has these. They're the leechers, the follow-you-arounders, the jump-in-right-as-the-mob's-about-to-die people. Only thing you can do is laugh, shake you head, try to give them hints, watch them for a bit and then go play elsewhere and make sure to NOT friend them. There are players who want to learn and then there are those who could care less. I try to play with the former and avoid the latter.

By the way, not ALL the lazy leechers are noobs. Some of them have alts that are higher level, etc. but since this is their lowbie or whatever, they're too lazy to contribute. Again: Watch, suggest, go join a different game or start one when it gets too frustrating.