As a new player, you'll be hanging out mainly in forest haven. Now, this is a great place to make friends (it's where I've met most of mine), but it can also be a jerk magnet. Scammers frequent this area to pick on new players, and I have seen many an argument explode out of control here. Unfortunately, those trying to stop the scammer/spammer/jerk often end up flamed. This is my advice on how to deal with bad players.

First, the spammers. These guys will say messages, sometimes random and sometimes hurtful to another player, OVER and OVER and OVER. If you see a spammer, just type /mute <insert spammer's username here). Then, you won't have to listen to them. Don't even bother talking to them.

Scammers, however, are another story. You know you've got a scammer when you see somebody doubling gold, selling promo codes (onthebeach, reciprocity, and awareness are the only codes), or asking for account info. Scamming is against the terms of service, so if you see a scammer, send them a PM to cease and desist or they will be reported. If they continue, just type /report username for doing this scam: (then write all you have seen about the scam). If you see anybody who looks like they will fall for the scam, warn them with a private message.

Jerks are remarkable in the sense that they can turn everyone around them into jerks, start a war, and ruin the game for everyone. When I say jerks I mean bullies, people who have huge public arguments, and rude people in general. Simply place them on your ignore list.

Just deal with it quietly.
Hope this helps.