First off the game looks super refined! It reminds me of a cross between the best of the best cross between all "Legends" titles. One of the biggest changes for me was the fixes camera but i got over that by lvl 5. The tutorial did a great job walking you through everything you need to do as a new Legend. the game seems very quest oriented and has multiple daily quests so you should always have enough gold to pay for health pots. 1 very big change I noticed is when playing there is no visible ping. this kind of bothered me at first how ever again I got over that real quick as I experienced no lag, I really do believe that the fixed camera was partly responsible for this. Unlike other legends games you are not given 10 plat upon the creation of a new charecter but instead you earned a decent amount of plat as you leveled. 4 plat lvl 2, 3 plat lvl 3, and it continued to decrease up until lvl 7 where i only recieved 1 plat but i thought this was a cool twist. Over all the maps didnt seem to ridiculously hard and i was able to solo most of it with only a few bosses requiring me to wait for additional help from other players but im sure as you level this will change as with other titles. Over all I think this may take the spot of PLfor me as my main game but onky time will tell. I have to go to work now so will try to give more info later.