Hello ladies and gentlemen of Star Legends .. wait... wrong speech...my mama isnt going to be proud , so much for perfect Asians ..

Take Two !
Hello my fine young people , yes even you Grandpa !are all children at heart. Hence why we play this game , like children flocking to an ice cream truck eh. And after much anticipated request i have decided out of my kind , gracious loving heart to feed your kindled desire for me to introduce my self. Well ladies and gentleman I am known as the one and only Mizukage ! ( I know what your thinking , am i creative of what ?!). This post may be somewhat boring and long but humorous nonetheless. If you are not literally rolling on your floor laughing then thou are of thy non-humorous. Yea... Shakespeare wasn't my best field but bear with me.

As you may already know I used to play the popular STS game ( Star Legends ). I played it religiously for over a year at the expense of days locked up in my room with the lack of any sunlight. Before you ask , no i am not a vampire.If i was you would have seen me sucking blood on DL ( pff weirdos). Previously to SL I played the game that started it all , Pocket Legends for a couple months (5-6 ? ). Why did i pick AL you ask ? Bird watching obviously , Thank god for our understanding of polygons! In all seriousness the aspect of AL which stood out the most from the other STS games is it's core dynamics. The pet system ( absolutely amazing ) and the fact that it is tailored both to the casual gamer as well as to the hard core , all nighter gamers.( Normal mode and Elite mode). As an added bonus it truly is nostalgic seeing all the great people from PL and SL.

Enough about why i played AL , lets talk about our main attraction ... Moi. Most of you know me as Kano but after reading this post you will get to know me a bit better , what an honor. I live all the way in Cow town , Canada ( Canadians will get that reference ). I was not much of a gamer until i found out about PL and fell in love with the convenience of it. Apart from gaming I dabble in a bit on the artistic side.

Some Drawings which i have done in the past.

some which i did for the recent Star legends weapon design contest.

I am also into Sig Making.

Name:  eng sig.jpg
Views: 313
Size:  11.2 KB

Apart from the arts I am a big fan of music , personally I play the Guitar ( Primarily the Acoustic ) , drums , piano and violin. Jack of all trades but master of none sadly. I am a big engine heard , worked on a couple my self. I also love to cook , dance ( yes you may crack your jokes now ) and just be all out goofball.

Well that ladies and gentlemen conclude my lengthy introduction. If you see me in game dont be afraid to add me , seriously you wont regret it. With that said and done I will be taking my leave, still need to cap .

Au revoir