DEVICE: Samsung Galaxy S1 (The "Vibrant" phone)
OS: Android 2.2


THE PROBLEM: Selecting the "Go To" opions on the Quest Log and Friends Lists leads to a loading page that freezes & force closes the app.

1. Login, get your daily reward & ally.
2. Select the Quest Log via the button on the top right hand corner of the HUD.
---OR Select the Social option for the friends list or parrty list.
3. Select a quest, try to join a friend or use the "go to party" option once I joined a party.
---Quest I've been trying is titled "The Dodo's Stones"
4. At the loading screen, the pup keeps walking then I notice he stops and a few seconds later my phone vibrates (which is a sign the app is about to crash). Then a few seconds after that, it vibrates again and the app force closes.

NOTES: This happens very often. Even happens sometimes when I log in and do my daily of collecting from Shazbot.