Me and 2 guildies been workin on leader boards times pure mostly. We had them all set for the ones we did. Go look now not sayin names but somones all over them and untill today i thought man hes good.....elite bael in 1 min 41 secs?????! Realy? Somones cheating/hacking they have taken all our sports cheating im so irritated. Its not a better player. We spent alot of time perfecting and the elite run times he now has is impossible......pluss i was the only one ingame with haunted title now others he ran have it and im callin it out. Due to his times solo in elites pure he has to be cheating in all areas id say if im wrong grats but i dont see it. Please look into it/ do somthing about our lost leaderboard spots and false tittles given because this player.