When I first played the game I didn't have much lag but now I lag crazy bad. Ill have pings in the thousands and in the tens of thousands like 45k ping I even hit over 100k ping the other day. This is a daily accurence for me and its starting the bug the hell out of me when I lag during a boss that im tanking and the whole party dies cuz of the lag. its getting bad enough where I don't want to play the game because im just going to lag. Is there any way to fix this?

My game options are all turned down to low so the game has a chance to not have to push hard to run it but it still lags. I have stuff turned off I don't need like names and stuff like that but still lag. All the other apps on my phone r off n nothing else is running except phone operated processes and still lag. I duno what's wrong. Im using a Droid 2 Global through Verizon.

Any help or ideas?