My suggestion will be about the balance in the game and I hope that it could be helpful to you and could get you some ideas to add new contents to the game

Things that I suggest to be equal in all characters:
  • Damage: The difference should be in the type of damage.
  • Critical: The ability to increase the pecentage of critical hit should be equal in all the characters.
  • To have a unique passive skill for each character that develop automatically with the level of the character.

basically, a warrior meant to be a heavy tank fighter that can be of use to his party. also he can easily explore dungeons, fight equally with some bosses as a solo.
  • Have an advantage in health and armor (physical attacks) that exceeds the other characters.
  • Have a slow but strong short-range attacks concentrated on one enemy.
  • Have a moderate attacks against multiple enemies.
  • Have a weak long-range attacks.
  • Weak against magical attacks.

I can imagine the rogue as a character that loves gold and valuable items. So I would say that she is the luck charm for her herself and her party too.
  • Have an advantage in luck and dodge (physical attacks) that exceeds the other characters.
  • Have more inventory slots and auction slots than the other characters.
  • The duration cost in the auction house and Potions price are cheaper for her than the other characters.
  • Have a fast but moderate attacks in general.
  • Weak against magical attacks.

The one that can stand in the face of magical attacks. He can protect his party from magical and long-range attacks and support them with puffs.
  • have an advantage in mana and armor (magical attacks) that exceeds the other characters.
  • Have a strong long-range attacks.
  • Have a moderate attacks against multiple enemies.
  • Have a weak short-range attacks.
  • Weak against physical attacks.