I purchased the 'Redistribution of Skills' from the iTunes store for $1.99 thinking I'd be able to rearrange my skills how I liked. Then I found that there was a max of 5 on the skill level (Enchantress). My skill level for the main skill I wanted to raise (Fireball) was already 5 before I made the purchase so effectively I completely wasted my money.

VERY unhappy about this - NOWHERE is it stated that there's a cap on those skill levels so there was NO way I could have known that my in-app purchase was pointless. If I could request a refund of an in-app purchase I would - but not sure this is possible. Frankly I'm really upset about this. I know it's only 2 dollars - but that's 2 dollars I could have used to buy something I could actually have used - like the final dungeon (once I'm L20) for example.

So the best I can do is warn others of this and post here in the hope that you'll do something about it so that other people don't lose their money in the same way that I did. Hope someone who can fix this will read this message and resolve it somehow.

Jamie (character name HotSauce in the game).