I read what the guy in Stage 5, labeled "...?..." says, and he actually gives a lot to say about AO3.

He says:

"...trapped... in the space between... Find me and you will find the Ok'tal...posses their power...A prison star...an eternity from here...Find me and I will show you their power...masters...of time and space...I am dead in so many places now...Find me on Nuran Fa'Ar...Home star...beneath, above and in-between us...I have died so many times now...Bring the battle to Nuran Fa'Ar! Defeat the Ok'Tal!!"

From that I predict maybe that "they" are trapped on Nuran Fa'Ar, a place in another Galaxy, and I am not sure if he is saying Ok'tal is like their leader that they worship, or if he has stolen "their" powers and is like a dictator. When he says "a prison star" it makes me think that Nuran Fa'Ar is, well, a prison, that Ok'Tal has had them trapped on, and when he says that he has died many times, I think that he is trying to free "them" from the prison star, and from Ok'Tal, but he has failed, so he has called upon us to go defeat him.

Just a prediction from the story line. Anyone have a different insight from what he says?
