"Simon Says"

not "JUST" looking for people to join my guild not looking to mass recruit.... im looking for good people who wanna help make a clan...

Hey all name Joe 23 (IGN: bluedream) active mmo, rts, moba gamer. recently got a note2 acouple months ago started mobile gaming playing pocket legends learning about arcane legends afew weeks ago... i was in a VERY respectable guild KoI have nothing bad to say about em. but irl friend pure pressured me into maken a guild ince i made them start playing lol, i have a 4month old child named ace hes growin so im home more an AL a good game imo...

overall by posting this thread jus given a 411 on what i have in mind the future of "Simon Says"

1. no real rules guidelines other then L15+ and a good attitude...

2. im looking for jus a day to day daily community of players that like to communicate play well together that have alil gaming experience in em... (looking to be doing daily runs w/ multiple parties simultaneously) help out 1 another....

3. i want a quality over quanity feel but a good # of daily players... well mainly be mobile based so no forum registration or guild site as of now...

4. i dont want that "mass recruitment" feel were u join a guild an 90% of em are recruiters or officers imma try to stick to a number of 5 officers (me, afew irl friends and acouple applicable daily players, and 10 recruiters. who must be active)

5. e z motto of "let it rest" my 2nd option fo guild name itself no need for rage or drama jus want a good enviroment....

said it once say it again not looking for people to JUST join my guild not looking to mass recruit.... im looking for good people who wanna help make a clan...

MY IGN: bluedream (pm and friend request and illl get back to you) ( i dun check forum EVERY day as im a mobile player please feel free to try acouple times)