People always talk about rushing or not. What is right? Someone invented the "go-system" and it have become a sort of standard in PVP games. The disadvantage about the go-system is that people anyway can rush you, when you're not ready for it. Therefore, I suggest a new form of PVP map!

We already have "Ordinary" PVP maps, from the beginning created for FFA. FFA is possible, while some people recommends the go-system.
We also have CTF-maps.

As you can see, we got three types of PVP battle - FFA, CTF and GO-system (duels) - but only two types of maps. My suggestion to STS is to create a type of "Duel area" where people can challenging each other without being attacked without both agreed on a duel. My thoughts is that one people should be able to challenge another in a duel while that person got a question where he could decline or accept. When accept, both are ready to go. This solution takes care of all PVP types and separates FFA from duels.

I've seen the devs talking about implement safe gates into FFA, but I rather see them put that time into this suggestion instead.

I know this solution have appeared here on the forum before, but I guess it's time for the PVP in PL to change. So guys, what do you think?