Maybe,many from all AL players tired wait for party in wt or kt. So I will have a idea about const party.

Simply put cons party an independent military and economic unit which consist of one legion, swing, take part in activities and all time in game they stay together.
So I tell not only about tombs,I tell u about pvp,quests, mutual aid and etc.
Now I am archer 16 lvl,and in my party I need a tank and Sorcerer.
If anyone is intiresno, write to me in the game on Alyray or here on the forum in the LS.
It is very desirable that people would come from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Poland to the relatively small difference in time.And if such shall find that we will be with you to use voice-Raid Call and is likely to be in a guild. if any, will be
P.S. Sorry for my English