In the never-ending epidemic of useless, short, rep-begging guides, I'd just like to thank the community for its great response to the guide I wrote about half a year ago. I let Entertaining post it since I wasnt much of a forumer then, and he gets PMs in game to this day, though its largely outdated.

Id just like to thank everyone who helped with constructive criticism, thanks, bumps and views. Id also like to encourage you entrepreneurs out there to try 10-20 rhinos/ranger and PM me your findings/in game name so I can see how you do. Id like to have something about forgotten weapons, new classes and halloween items in the guide before the end of the month, and Ill do my best to try not to rant about forg weapons.

Here's a link to the pretty outdated low level guide:

For now it seems more like a history lesson of a PvP era that was lost somewhere in the barrage of Techno updates..