Everyone has been complaining about how OP rogue's are, how mage's are super weak. However if we look at 1v1 I think class balance is quite nice, no real issues there. 1v1 (playing with mage) I beat most rogues and quite a few warriors, etc.. What I want to point out here however is autotarget

Autotarget in PvP is not cool. Seriously not cool.

Playing as a mage you have the highest dps in the area. Whether you use staff you will have the highest dps in the area if you have top gear (which is not that difficult to attain if you choose old gear). The problem starts here, namely that autotarget WILL HIT the player with highest dps.
-A mage who is entering a bigger fighting bunch is likely to get targeted by the players fighting there, especially after landing couple hits. As a highly support oriented class mages stand no chance in those cases (no armor/health).
-A group is going together including your high dps mage and a rogue shoots a bow randomly in the group and boom, you're dead. (or any other attackers entering). Again as before, mage as support oriented class has no chance.

You might think at this point, hell with the staff, let's switch to rifle. Yet still with dps easily over 180 you will have higher dps than rogues (with bows) or warriors around. So as long as the autotarget is aimed at the highest dps player, mages will be screwed in group fights.

Let's look at things differently. You are fighting 1v1 (for sake of simplicity) against a player with relatively lower dps. You are fighting him quite well when a mage/rogue with high dps enters the area and autotarget switches target and now instead of fighting the player who's health you already decreased you enter a new fight with a guy at a lot higher hp. Uncool again. Same case when the opponent runs through a group of his allies (higher dps there) and then you are not fighting your original opponent anymore.

Another case is when 2 players are coming towards you with some distance between them, the one closer with lower dps. You charge your fireball (mage again) and fire away put oops, the player further away is hit while the one close to you is unaffected, attacking you easily. (ik mage example, but that's what I played most)

I'd like to suggest the following tweaks for autotarget in pvp.
-Player's you have been attacking should be prioritized over others.
-Player's closer to you be prioritized over ones further away.
-Change autotarget by opponents, so low dps classes and high dps classes will have a more even target rate. The gap between the 2 is getting so significant that low dps (warriors) rarely get targeted anymore. This also applies not only for pvp but pve also.

Again this is not a discussion on class balance so if you want to explain that rogues are op, this is not the topic. Please share your view and experience on autotarget, whether you like it or not. More examples and views from different classes would make this post a lot more informative.