Quote Originally Posted by nicoB View Post
I dont need to spec i kill more warriors than mages all day,in fact. most of my kills come from warriors and other rogues my build is fine. maybe you guys arent playing very good mages. When i get hit with the firball stun I'm stuned long enough for them kill me more beore it wears off. happens quite a lot. i dont mind since i can one shot them once in a while. with right skill set amd build mages can do just fine (need free respecs). any mage that can respec should be using the sheild, its the most effective skill by far. reduces aimed shot dmg to 100-130. I fires a aimed shot at a magee with the shield up just to see wat happens and i crited 130 dmg. Whenever i play CTF i team up with a mage if theres one on my team rather than another rogue or warrior because mages make the best teammates. if mages are sooo underpowered like a lot you say, then i would just go solo. I'm not afraid of a balance or buff or watever you wana call it. I'm just annoyed by some of the people that want to constantly whine. We beed free respecs for the people who cant or dont buy enough plat to try different builds. I'm telling man, get it right and your mage will destroy. ive been playin pvp since it came out and ive seen a lot of mages make a lot of progress deom getting squished to chopping down rogues and warriors

Kills more warriors than mage. You have amazing lying skills. Everybody is saying the same thing here and you keep defending rogues. You are obviously just protecting your class from being nerfed.