ok first off I am a Warrior lvl 21 with the following gear:
Dark watch sword of Assault lv 21
Might Juggernaut armor of will
Mighty juggernaut helmet of savvy
Glowstone hoop of warfare
Glowstone necklace of warfare

so my stats are below in the screen shot (notice i don't have a pet equipped because this is what my stats would be in PVP)

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now, as you can see my pvp stats SUCK. even with some of the best gear a warrior can get i'm still being one shotted by rogues, sorcerers pwn my face and even other lower lvl lower geared warriors beat me. I really and truly do not understand it.

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so above is a screen shot of the skills i'm using (fyi i play on my phone just jumped on chrome to get screen shots)
so someone explain to me how it is that i'm being one shotted by rouges and sorcerers/warriors are able to walk right through me?

my opinion/observation is that:
1. rogues crit and dodge make them very OP, no way shape or form and no denying seeing a warrior like mine get one shotted from a aimed arrow thats b.s.

2. Sorcerers are a little more balanced but their ability to cause "stun" affect with almost all their skills is bs as well. just end up standing there with stars over my head while i'm being beaten to death.

3. warriors, we have no one shot ability, stun only works if its timed PERFECTLY (which, lets be honest, never happens) our only saving grace SHOULD be armor and HP but apparently that all goes out the window when a rogue shoots you in the face with an arrow.

my suggestions:

balance the freaking classes, either remove or nerf rogues and sorcerers stats/skills when they enter PVP or give us warriors something to level the playing field.