Quote Originally Posted by CosmoxKramer View Post
reward would be great. Maybe a PVP coin system. 3 coins for winning, 1 for losing, +1 to the 3 people with the most kills (most you could get from 1 game is 4 coins, least is 1) This promotes both winning and actively engaging in combat

Coins could be used at a PVP vendor. You could have the following be purchasable with coins
Current level gear (25-26 gear for new patch coming) -costing a fairly high coin amount, 26 gear would be extremely costly
Pets - High cost amount
Potion packs - moderate-high cost amount
legacy gear (20-21, 15-16, 25-26 when lvl 31 cap comes out) - low cost
Low quality pets - moderate cost
anything else you can think of.....
I think offering anything of any real value for PvP kills (rogues own) or flag captures (warriors own) would be incredibly unfair at this stage. If you're going to offer an equal rewards system for something like kills then the basis for attaining those rewards should be equal, one look at the leaderboards and this is obviously not the case. If rogues are able to mass 5k and upwards in kills over a few days of PvP I don't think it's then fair to go ahead and reward them for that because it's not expert strategy it's a class imbalance. Even when the classes are balanced I'm not sure how this would work because rogues are always going to be able to mass more kills even in a fair system. Unless you'd also want to give out PvP tokens for things like 'most amount healed' or 'most number of stuns delivered' (which a mage still wouldn't win on) then you'd be putting sorcs at yet another disadvantage.

Warriors... Been running into teams of the thugs all day and it's the least fun way to PvP, but putting that aside for a second there have been a series of encounters I've had soloing with just one warrior over and over again that have given me some more to think on (I did not once manage to take this warrior down). I've already said that mages need a damage buff and skill tweak and warriors need their skills nerfed, but someone from a few pages back also had the idea of allowing INT to bump crit chance a small amount. This might actually make a real difference, as currently I have to spec specifically for crit on the off chance that one of my lightning bolts will land with 250% dmg. This is the only way I can foresee myself being able to solo an equally equipped warrior. On the 12% chance that my attack lands a crit. Weak.

Which leads me to one last point - You've fixed the crit chance passive and pet buffs on the avatar screen, but the pet and passive dmg boosts still don't show? Just an observation, I assume they both work correctly but it's nice to be able to see it.