Quote Originally Posted by drgrimmy View Post
I completely agree and posted similar suggestions in the season 1 lb announcement. I think everyone on the lb should get some sort of credit. Although I did get a banner from season 1 I was kind of annoyed that if you were not number one you did not get any type of recognition. They did not even list the people who were not number one in the announcement. So my suggestions...

1) Everyone on the lb should get a vanity flag, but the number on spot (or perhaps also 2 and 3) should get a different banner.
2) If 1) not doable, then at least recognize everyone on the lb in the announcement on the forums. I mean come on, they even listed the top 50 people who got to 21 on the forums.
3) Make a tab on the leaderboard in game so you can browse the leaderboards from previous seasons.
4) For PvP please breakdown the leaderboards into different classes
5) Resetting kills each season would also be nice. Perhaps have a different lb for "all time kills" and "season kills" to satisfy everyone.
1) Agree 200000%.

2,3,4,5) Agree 100%.