Quote Originally Posted by Ark View Post
Not going to happen suggestions lolol.

Level cap idea: to 100? YEAHHHHH... not gonna happen until I'm old and gray..
Vanities having special effects idea: THEN it would't be called "vanity" if it has a special effect, it would be called "armor"
More money given away idea: ThEN if i keep making a character 1-10, then I'll be stinkin rich boiiiii. (which isn't a good idea)
Swords idea: We are in the future mannnn, you die before you even get to the person that has a gun (realistically). AND plus, light sabers has be suggested, but it is also copyright, so it can't happen.
Repeat events everyear idea: They are already doing that and people just complains about either having the same vanities from last year OR it's NOT the same as last year vanities. LOL. No win win there.
Double XP weekends: They do that, but not every weekend because it will make people level faster AND that would mean more people would get bored of SL and quit. I don't think STS wants to lose that much gamers that quickly.
Shot doooooowwwwwn.

Sent using spray paint on the city walls.