And my complain about pvp was because pvp is in beta fase, with many issues, and instead of fixing some of these issues or give free respecs for a proper test, they patched the so much needed pointing arrows..

I am sure they are in the process of fixing things up. I am sure a few arrows here and there is MUCH MUCH MUCH faster to add then re coding millions of lines of code to balance this and that and that for one, they have to figure out what to balance and where to balance it in the code and all that. I am also sure they dont have 30+ people working on this game at one time, at most they probably have 3 or 4 coders working out problems here and there that can take months, I would be wrong on the size of the company and how many people code this game and keep it maintained but even then it would still take a long time to correct and balance pvp while at the same time working on the new update for a hundred or so new items, new maps, new levels, new designs, all sorts of different stuff that takes time. My intention of replying to this post was not to bash anyone even tho now that you pointed out a few things i said it did seem that way (lol) which i appoligize for, I just hate when person after person think maintaining and fixing a small part of the game is within a snap of a finger when in reality its probably SUPER difficult.

also, in PVP Warriors are usually pretty tough to kill since they are ment to be a tank. its almost impossible to PERFECTLY balance a pvp system in ANY sort of game. I think the best PVP system I had ever played was in a game Called Neverwinter Nights. but there build systems were CRAZY detailed and if you did not know basic D&D math then your builds would just be horrible. This game ant nearly as detailed as most RPGs which bugs me a bit but hey, its still a good game ^^