After playing PVP for awhile I realised that actually theres not really a class that is OP

Mage are NOT as WEAK as what WE thought.With his shield on and being able to stunlock you(Although its not 100%but it stuns for most of the battle peroid)while kiting and running away from the melees I think can kill them. I personally perfer rogue than others because i love my aimed shot. But after playing more games, i realised its only usefull in 1v1 and IF you can stack it for LOTS AND LOTS OF CRIT or just for kill stealing(my favorite hehe)In some 1v1s, I have seen alot of mages, being lesser able to kill my rouge and more being killed by my rouge*BUT* I have also seen some VERY VERY skilled and WELL EQUIPED players that can just stunlock me and hit me a few times till my stun is over so i can aimed shot just for him to use his shield and kite and stun etc which killed me (doesnt sound as long as it is , its quite fast) So i feel that mages are not that weak after all

To fully utilize a mage
When are mages the most op at you may ask? 2mages vs 1 any class= Just spam your fireball after another and wham stun wham stun=death.1 mage 1 rogue vs1= Spam your mana heal and hide behind your rogue only to heal him and give mana back to him when he needs it and help with stunning= A rogue with unlimited mana that hardly dies in any 2v1 unless they are damn pro or your just too nub or there is just lvl diff.When in teamfights, they can provide good damage and good stun for the team and also heal for heal and mana for the rogues(So they get op @ spamming aimed shot)

Moving on to rogues, i feel that they are NOT as op as what people may think because a good mage or a warrior CAN take down a rogue, its just all about skills and if you can dish out your combo FIRST(So you kill them before they die) You can just backstab-gank a rogue that is same lvl as you you can almost easily win unless his too op or ur too weak.They are not very good at teamfights as most of their skills are ment for 1v1(Unless you have a unlimited pool of mana so you can spam aimed shots to kill everyone 1by1 and use your health pack in time to heal yourself ALTHOUGHT you have low armor*So you must not die!But im sure they will aim either you or your mage so you dont have the burst damage because of low mana or you just get out of the fight*)

When rogues are most op,2 rogues vs1=2 aimed shots in 2 seconds=DEATH unless you for some reason is imune or just have 9999999 defence or just that you have support from your team. 1 rogue 1 mage vs 1=Mage+Mana heal regen's rogue's mana so that he can spam his combo over and over= DEATH unless you kill the mage/rogue before he can kill you. 1 rogue 1 knight vs 1= Knight tank for you and give you imunity heal while you do your burst*Only applies if they aim your knight OR if you are using a bow and you are smart to kite them with your knight as a meatshield*

Knights = best at tanking for people and survivability as they have awesome defence and healing. 5 knights vs 5?= 10 seconds of imunity if casted at correct time WITH the other cooldown down, you get more and more imunity over and over again.

In my opinion, no classes are op unless they are paired up with their best class match to defeat you before you can kill them. Despite me making all these comments, there might be some ways the developers can balance the game by buffing or debuffing some classes to make pvp EVEN better.
Please do not leave any insulting comments, instead we can talk about why you think different from me as everyone have different opinions. Do feel free to comment about how to improve this