Ok, so I'm wanting some feedback on players (mostly PL) to tell me their personal experience ig about any possible 10+ inch tablets (10+ means 10.1 or so lol) to buy. I'm looking for high res, and only Android (sorry, Apple's aren't my thing). So, are there any players out there who can make any quick suggestions, as to who to avoid and why? I'm more into resolution like I mentioned , (yeah the Nexus 10 beat the retina display) argue with the statistics, so Apple is out of play even with that. I'm looking for HD displays up the arsenal. My phone is kinda HD. It's the LG Optimus G (LG's flagship smart phone), which I'm upgrading as soon as they announce the LGOG2. I'm used to it's display along with my Nexus 7 (got it last September it's old already to me, since I try and upgrade every six months). Have any of you heard any rumors of any new 10 inch tabs coming out after Feb. but as early as March? Technology advances rapidly, and I'm trying to stay up to date (there's a few tabs I've played around with, but probably not to their full potential). The Nexus 7 is good but I am simply looking for a bigger screen because I got bored of only a 7 inch tablet. My budget is anything under (USD) 1K, which shouldn't be a problem because it's only a tab.

So any suggestions?