Ok, some threads said that "opening chests makes the boss drop worse items" or "the quicker u defeat the boss, the better loot u get." I don't believe neither this stuff is true, and I proved it by going with the same group doing it once longer once shorter once opening chests once not. Same effect.

Don't get ur hopes up. I think it's just RANDOM. Then someone told me it gives the best loot to the person with the best stats. Not true.

One tip I hav is elixir. It rlly does help even though u don't think so. STS wouldn't make that big of a mistake to let an elixir glitch out. I've farmed mardrom 5 times without elixir( can't get platinum ) and nothing I got was good because I was just unlucky.

Then I started getting people who quit right away so I just left. I was hoping for a chest drop but got nothing. Oh well, it's random, so u never know.