twinks are angry didnt understand my post read guys. i didnt even started flaming anybody.i was ASKING questions this time nothing else.

first i asked if twinks would also fare good in endgame pvp? i was asking for your opinion,nothing else.i didnt say twinks will fare bad.i was looking for an answer.

second, what do you think about the difference between twinksand endgame pvp since theres a big gap between k/d,etc.I was asking where did sts REALLY WENT WRONG since this is rather unusual.(c'mon i knew theres a lot of great twink players out there but is this always the case in all mmorpg?where few can really dominate all as like get a high kd (everybody is talking about their high kds in AL and theres no denying in it) I was asking if there is something missing that sts didnt notice. I dont have any twink experience in any game so i dont know thats why i ask if this is usually the case in twinks.

and third, i was curious why people go for twinks when they can capped their toons. I was asking asking for answers from two perspectives, the twink and endgame pvp experience.I was asking why people stick with their twinks and not endgame?what are their experience in endgame that they didnt like and what are their experience in twinks that made them stay.

so, did i bash any twinks?no.i did bash a lot of twinks before but its not because i really hate the twinking experience but because alot are just plain bragging (ex.twink 1 oh i just got a 54 killstreak with my twink: twink 2 thats lame i just did 84kills in a row: twink 3 noobs, i had like 100 and i have an ss of it) so, arent you annoyed by it?and for sure you know theres lots of post that goes like these here.