Quote Originally Posted by Hroovitnir View Post
Let me repost, in a "positive" way for sam. This update and its content is in no way shape or form oriented toward what this games aims to be. You can go download any dungeon crawler and PvE your brains out. There are TONS with amazing graphics and all. The point of ANY successful MMO is the MULTIPLAYER, and any good MULTIPLAYERS feature what ? Player vs Player COMBAT! As we all know the CTF system is HORRIBLE, and it has been out long enough to receive attention and has gotten none. Yet day after day I see the complaints mounting with the same issues and again no attention. The devs will take time out to write me a private message about how I am not being positive, yet will not post on any of these PvP forums about actions they plan on taking or that they are even hearing us. I just feel this update should of been geared more towards PvP, in gear, arenas and fixes. How was that for positive yet REALISTIC on this updates flaws.
Thanks Hroovitnir for taking another stab at a constructive post. I'd like to point out that your statement that "the CTF system is HORRIBLE" is not quite accurate. I can understand how you feel that way, but that is your opinion. From our standpoint, there are a lot of people who are playing the current CTF games, which would indicate that it isn't as horrible as you make it sound. The team is continuing to work on all sorts of things, including PvP. Today's patch is but one of many, many patches. Look for more PvP refinements in the future.

I get that you want more done on the feature you like the most - PvP. However, as you can see by the comments above, there are others who enjoyed this new content. I'm sorry that we're not catering to your personal desires more closely. Maybe we'll get it closer to your mark in the future.

As for me sending you a message to please abide by our forum rules, let's be clear - it's my job to administer these forums. I don't do game development, I'm the community guy. Hopefully that helps you better understand. If you have any further questions, please feel free to send me a private message.
