So last night I joined a game and instantly noticed that I was the only lvl21 on my team. Then as we started playing, I was able to dominate like never before. I was just a killing machine. I was even taking down warriors with 3-4 hits -- normally I hit them 10-12 times and they still don't die and end up killing me.

After a bit I realized that apparently a level 18 player had started the game, so anyone who was level 15-21 was able to join. As it ended up, most were level 15-16. So after we won 5-0, we just kept rejoining the same game, and the results were the same. I played for about an hour, and each game I was getting 20-30 kills and maybe dying once or twice at most and only when I was outnumbered 3-1. I guess this is how it must feel to be a pro rogue. You can kill most players with a single hit, and at most you need 2 good hits. It was funny seeing the frustration of many of the players on the other team who had no idea I was level 21. I kept seeing folks type "WTF???" after I one shot them LOL.