Quote Originally Posted by GoodSyntax View Post
I have come to accept most things but the one that I have the biggest issue with is the ridiculous range that Warriors have.

Somehow, it seems that their swords can hit me from 10-12m away. Their Stomps cover tremendous range (which in and of itself isn't a huge issue), but their Windmills seem to affect me around corners, and basically just within bow range. That has to stop. If Warriors attacks have bow-like range, well....that doesn't make that much sense to me.

Next is the concept of teaming - again, at it's core, not a huge issue, but Warriors traveling in packs are unstoppable. They keep buffing eachother to attain invincibility, plus their myriad of stun attacks and heal buffs make them far too OP.

Finally, I am reasonable fine with the incredible range that Sorcerers have, plus I have come to accept all of their stuns, but the invincibility shield puts them in the same class as Warriors. Two Sorcerers together, between the stun capability, long range fireballs, heals, etc., make them very hard to take down.

Rogues, unfortunately do not have any of the above abilities, so without the max crit attack (Aimed Shot), they are an inferior class, designed only for finishing kills. They cannot absorb much damage, they don't have any shield-like effect, they lack many of the stun attacks, and they seem to die rather quickly against a good group.

Just my 2 cents...
Yes because we can spec's to increase our range, just like other classes can specs other things more than we can, everyone has their ups and downs
I have played with 3 warriors and a rogue against 2 mages, 2 rogues - ya warriors are actually nothin when two mages n two rogues are involved
because 1st. MAGES STUNS ARE CRAZY, we cant move, and rogue's hit kills, and they both stun MORE accurately than warriors . but yes if a warrior stun you, expect that youre done. but when we get stun right after another right after another over and over.. we really cant do anything , we just die LOL

and by warriors in this.. i meant PRO warriors.. it was ME, ANDYPW, EVILSATAN - until i ofcourse invited my leaderboard friends bec we just couldnt win
i asked Bulsa and Vyridiana to join us, and ofcourse we owned LOL