Quote Originally Posted by Darko View Post
I. Don't know what warriors you guys are playing against but warriors I know are getting killed rapidly. ..I have 919 armor and got killed in three hits ..I used sucks and koko had about 1100 armor hit a mob died instantly. .. that wasn't the case before pets... warriors could actually so their job and taje on fire power and protect rouges and mages. ... rouge with ribbit had ridiculous crit killed me in one shot...unfair for mages though as Colton is best int.... pet. ... a lot of the hardcore players that been with sts since pl will be leaving id this isn't fixed. A warrior should win 1 vs 1 everytime... sorry but they are buffed big and bad....rouges make up for it with speed and high dps... the msba regeberation is ridiculously high though. ..mages have best stun out there and a great mage will beat warrior any time... the man problems with pets is stacking arcanes..I tested it and we did three ribbit arcabes my crit was over 75% that is insane . And everybody is running around with Malisin... can hit multuple targets.. get multiple kills and that player never even touched you
I have 2 PVP lvl 12 acounts best armour and wepon I can get