I completely agree with this.....

Quote Originally Posted by Bastok:976929
STS, I don't think it's fair to your loyal following that you're doing this with Arcane items. You guys have been hyping this ultra rare (which is awesome) gear for over a month and now that it's being released, it's not even complete. You offer a helm (which looks a lot like Demonlord) but no armor to complete the set? Why? That is just a bad move on your part, I think. Why promote this stuff and then only offer half of the package? Why can't you just release the whole set at once like every other game on the market? I fail to see how you think this is a good idea. And to make it worse, you release a weapon too. A single weapon that leaves 2/3 of the classes in the game with nothing. Why couldn't you release a weapon for all three classes? What is the point of holding this back, making us wait, and making us angry after all this hype for Arcane items?

It's a pointless move STS. There is no justifiable reason to do this to the players. If you're going to release something, give us the complete package or nothing at all. You can't be stringing us along like this and leave us hoping that sometime in the next 6 months we might get some gear for our class released.

STS, you guys have been around for a while now and I think your fans that have been with you from the beginning expect better from you.
