Is no one running a DEX-rhino? I think Zeoravat's is a standard rhino build. It's boring to play because he can't hit anything with the weapon, and, all the mana is being used for defense. Being a meat-shield is fun? You absorb all the punishment and watch the birds and mages blast the enemy... *yawn*

His quote sums it up:

Quote Originally Posted by Zeoravat View Post
if u die because of no mana then you're doing good cause u managed to tank them.
Read it again. Think about it. Now re-spec your rhino from dull to dynamic! Go for DEX! Go for damage. With the above spec, your two best damage spells (redemption and holy-tempest) total 6 points! PATHETIC. Try these skills (this is my 38 lvl rhino)

charge 6
restore 6
Redemption 6
Vital Force 6
Holy tempest 6
Stone skin 4
reincarnate, guardian and rhino-might all at 1

(At level 30, I had 1pt in Stone Skin, 4 in Restore and only 3 in Charge.)

The idea is to kill them before they kill you. And with two heal spells and maximum damage output, you can. And it's a lot more fun than letting yourself be beaten like a drum.

Final note: don't spend serious money on armor, just wear the highest DPS items you can find (mana regen items are also nice). Spend your gold on an awesome DEX weapon, like a Gruesome Butcher Knife. (At lvl 38, I'm still using a lvl 30 butcher knife and matching bracer - I'll start looking for a replacement at levels 40 and 50 - they are expensive, but they last.)
